Nintendo 64 -> Star Fox 64

Medal Requirements
To earn medals you must defeat a certain amount of enemies in each level. Also, all your
teammates must be alive.
Corneria: 150
Meteo: 200
Fortuna: 50
Sextor X: 150
Titania: 150
Bolse: 150
Sector Y: 150
Katina: 150
Solar: 100
Macbeth: 150
Aquas: 150
Zoness: 250
Sector Z: 100
Area 6: 300
Venom: 200
Disable the Crosshair
When the game is paused, press the R trigger to turn off the crosshairs.
Expert Mode
To unlock expert mode you need to earn all 15 medals in the game.
Expert Training/Versus
If you change the setting for the main game to ''Expert'', then go to either Versus or Training modes, you will be using Expert rules (wings fall off after crashing once, etc.)
New Title Screen
Earn all 15 medals in EXPERT mode for a different title screen.
Play as a tank
To play as a tank in multi-player mode you must earn a medal in venom.
Play on foot
To play on foot in multi-player mode you must earn a medal in venom on expert mode.
Title Screen Trick
On the Title Screen, press the B button for one time, then start rotating your analog joystick around until the number 64 on the end of the logo starts to move. Move it anywhere on the screen. You realise that the characters will follow it with their heads. Try letting go of the stick and it will return back to its initial position.