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PlayStation 2 -> Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht -> Skill Item Locations

Level 1

Guard Pendant- (Dock Colony, for sale at the Talk To Me shop during your first visit for 300 G, Cathedral Ship, for sale at the silver plate in front of the building with the Unicorns inside for 300G)

Power Brace- (Dock Colony, For Sale at the Talk To Me shop during your first visit for 300G, Cathedral Ship, for sale at the silver plate in front of the building with the Unicorns inside for 300G, )

Sniper Goggles- (Durandel, for sale Shop Plate in the Residential Area (first visit) for 200G, Kukai, for sale at Our Treasure Inn (first visit) for 200G, Dock Colony, for sale at the Talk To Me shop (after Kukai invasion) for 200G )

Blue Ring- ( Dock Colony, Our Treasure Inn (after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 200G)

Kobold Ring- (Dock Colony, Our Treasure Inn (after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 200G)

Scope- (Plemora, after destroying obstacles on first screen)

Snake Hunter- (Plemora, in secret passage, second part of second screen. Destroy the object to the bow of Ziggy's initial position, enter the secret passage. This leads you to a box with the snake hunter in it if you have not already retrieved it, and Segment Address #4, Cathedral Ship, for sale at the Shop Plate in front of the building with the Unicorns inside for 300G, Durandel, for sale Shop Plate in the Residential Area (first visit) for 500G, Kukai, for sale at Our Treasure Inn (first visit) for 200G, Dock Colony, Talk To Me shop(after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 200G, )

Spirit Pendant- (Elsa, on the slide deck. On the first floor of the Elsa, enter one of the cabins and search the couches. One of them contains the Disarm Key. Go down to the second floor, to the part which bridges between two sections. There is a console. Use the Disarm Key there. The slide deck connects, and you can get the goodies to either side. One of them is the Spirit Pendant.)

Clock Shield- (Cathedral Ship, west of the third Ogre, kill a Fairy guarding the box and get the Clock Shield inside)

Level 2

Green Ring- ( Dock Colony, Our Treasure Inn (after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 400G)

Red Ring- (Plemora, defeat Margulis (regular item), Dock Colony, Our Treasure Inn (after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 600G)

Orange Ring- (Dock Colony, Our Treasure Inn (after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 300G)

Purple Ring- (Plemora, defeat Margulis while a character is equipped with the Thief Ring (Rare Item), Dock Colony, Our Treasure Inn (after Cathedral Ship), for sale for 300G)

Nightwalker- (Cathedral Ship, destroy the very first set of spikes)

Thief Ring- (#1, Plemora, inside segment address #4. After MOMO joins the party, go back and defeat the green A.G.W.S unit, this will drop the decoder. Then reenter the secret area where the Snake Hunter was discovered. This is the location of Segment Address #4, #2, Drill Game, obtain a drill key and open the door beneath "D")

Magical Hat- (Cathedral Ship, in the area past the first appearance of Lizard Men, on the second floor of the elevator puzzle, in one of the cubicles)

Level 3

Soldier's Honor- (Song of Nephilim, Tower 2, Climb down to level 3, go right until you see the next ladder. Climb up and shoot the object to get Soldier's Honor.)

Battle Mask- (Drill Game, obtain a drill key and open the door beneath "R")

Blade Soul- (Encephelon Dive, either the second area after starting the first time, or the next to last screen if going back through the E.V.S., shoot the giant mascots, one of them has a Blade Soul inside)

Blue Topaz- (Encephelon Dive, In the Forest area (where you meet Bunny), in the blue box sitting on top of the pedestal.)

Chakra Shield- (Proto Merkabah, After taking the stairs and raising the segment on Level 42, exit through the opened passage. Beat the enemies outside and turn to the right. You can walk through the wall (there is a small, difficult to see door) and destroy the objects behind it. This is where the Chakra Shield is.)

Coat*Beam- (Elsa, in the area where you must fight the Domo Carrier)

Coat*Fire- (Cathedral Ship, right in front of the fish billboard. Use the connection gear to blast through)

Coat*Ice- (U-Tic Battle Ship, Segment Address #11. Get the decoder on the Plemora by destroying the statue in the middle of the second part of the second screen (with the patrolling soldiers). On the battleship, destroy the trigger for the trap on the second soldier's room, and defeat the soldier inside. The segment address is behind him. Note this location- this is where Meld Gareth and Din Gareth appear later in the game. (Rare Item))

Coat*Lightning- (Woglinde, Segement Address #18, to get the decoder, during the invasion (After you can fight) in the little room with glass blocking off a Manticore, shoot the glass and defeat the enemy. The decoder is in the blue box. The Address is in the same area, right above Shion's quarters.)

Coat*Sword- (Encephelon Dive, first area (with the searchlights), in a plainly visible blue box)

Cross- (Song of Nephilim- second tower. From the save point, go through the north exit. Defeat the enemy, and destroy the objects on the balcony. There is the Cross.)

Defibrillator Vest- (Song of Nephilim, Tower 2, on Level Three (from the floor) cross the catwalk to the center. Go right inside the center shaft, and shoot the three red objects. One has the Defibrilator Vest. Proto Merkabah, follow along the path at the beginning, shoot the object. There's a Defibrillator Vest.)

Field Ring- (Song of Nephilim, Tower 3, On the second floor, turn left and shoot the objects until the bridge lowers itself to your level. Shoot the object and get the Field Ring.)

Golden Dice- (Casino Exchange, pay 10,000 Coin)

Hunter Goggle- (Drill Game, beat Mission 3)

Neo Armor Alpha *only equipable by Jr. or Chaos, skill can be used by any*- (Song of Nephilim, sixth floor of first tower, follow the path to the left and shoot the object.)

Neo Armor Beta *Only equipable by Shion or MOMO, skill can be used by any*- (Song of Nephilim, Tower 2, on Level Three (from the floor) cross the catwalk to the center. Go right inside the center shaft, and shoot the three red objects. One has the Armor.)

Red Topaz- (Encephelon Dive, In the third screen of the Subway Area, where the broken train is. Destroy the objects blocking some steps. Go up them into the train. Head left all the way to the top of the train. Kill the Larva Doll, and go down the opposite side. Shoot the object to get the Red Topaz.)

Revenge Power- (Encephelon Dive, defeat Tiamat (Rare Item). Either equip characters with two thief rings, or better yet, cast Jr's Psycho Pocket on it.)

Rune Crystal- (Kukai, during the invasion, shoot the car inside the thieves den.)

Samauri Heart- (Song of Nephilim, defeat Doppelwogel.)

Silver Crown- (Cathedral ship, defeat the Gargoyle Boss.)

Soul- (Kukia, defeat Gigas during the invasion (Rare Item), either equip characters with Thief rings, or steal it from the monster by casting Momo's Magic Caster or Jr's Psycho Pocket)

Spirit- (Kukai, defeat Gigas during the invasion)

Venom Block- (Encephelon Dive, in the subway station area with the broken train in it, head all the way to the right inside the subway. Climb up the ladder and go back towards the left. Climb the ladder and continue left. Kill the Larva doll, then shoot the object at the end of the balcony and go back to the ground floor. Walk back to the left, all the way to the entrance of the subway to get the Venom Block.)

Yamato Belt- (Drill Game, beat Mission 2)

Wooden Idol- (Kukai Foundation, during the invasion, in the Iron Man bar, go to the left and shoot the tall crates. Then go behind the bar, and kill the basilisk gnosis. Open the blue chest behind the enemy. It has the Wooden Idol.)

Level 4

Commander's Crest- (Cathedral ship, defeat the Gargoyle Boss. Either use MOMO'S transformation to cast Star Wind, or equip one or two thief rings (depending on if you've played the Driller game enough to get the second) on your characters, and really, really hope you get the Commmander's Key item. I prefer using MOMO because then you can also steal the Silver Crown, but this makes the fight MUCH harder.)

Boost Pack- (Song of Nephilim, defeat Rianon SE)

Bravesoul- (Casino Exchange, pay 15,000 Coin)

Double Buster- (Encephelon Dive, Segment Address #5. To get the decoder, in the scene where you have been imprissoned by the government, shoot the closets in the starting room. This holds the Armory key. Then go to the Hangar, and unclock the Armory, which is the yellowish building right next to the hangar area. To get to the Segment Address, begin in the street area with all the bugbears and kobolds, where you come across the first manhole, instead of going down it, continue past it. A person is standing there who is really a larva doll enemy. After defeating it, shoot the object behind it and go down that manhole. Continue along the sewer passage and go up the stairs. You are now back in the beginning area, but behind a blocked point, so that you can open the doors. Unclock the doors at the consoles, and go down the steps. Kill the troll, and open the segment address right behind it. If you had already gotten the decoder, you can get this address on your first try.)

Life Stone- (Drill Game, obtain a drill key and open the door beneath "I")

Shield Armor- (Song of Nephilim, Second Tower, defeat Rianon SE (Rare Item), either equip characters with Thief Rings, or cast Momo's Magic Caster, Junior's Psycho Pocket or Shion's Queen's Kiss)

Speed Shoes- (Elsa, Segment Address #14. To get the decoder, in the Song of Nephilim, destroy the box on the fifth floor. The Address is on the lower level, just before Ziggy's room)

Trauma Plate- (Proto Mekaba)

Gemini Clock- (Song of Nephilim, defeat Doppelwogel (Rare Item). Either equip Thief's Ring, or use Magic Caster, Psycho Pocket, or Queen's Kiss.)

White Ring- (Ziggy is initially equipped with the white ring.)

Level 5

Angel Ring- (Encehpelon Dive, Segement Address #15, to get the decoder, inside the Cathedral Ship, begin at the area with the save point and shop plate, before the Unicorns. Go inside, destroy the objects, and go up the stairs. Where there is a shop with broken glass, go inside. Defeat the Hydra gnosis. They will leave behind the decoder. To get the Address, in the Encephelon dive, where the party finds an old subway ticket booth, shoot the glass of the booth with the connection gear. Then go to the door on the right, go in, and turn left (you will not be able to see your character until they emerge in the room who's glass you just smashed). The segment address is right there.)

Craft Apron- (Kukai, steal it from Mintia, or equip both Thief Rings (Rare Item). To find Mintia, before the Kukai invasion find the crank right to the left of the Iron Man bar's entrance. This will lower the canopy. During the invasion, or if you come back later after Song of the Nephilim, make MOMO your main character and go inside the Our Treasure Inn. Climb the ladder all the way to the top. Head south, and there is an exit. Jump outside the exit, onto the catwalk. Walk all the way to the left, and destroy the object. Jump down onto the canopy, and hold the analog stick up and right. Using this, you should avoid sliding off the canopy and make it to the door on the other end of the canopy. Go inside, and Mintia will greet Momo.)

Master's Pendant- (Song of Nephilim, defeat Ein Rugel (Rare Item). Either equip characters with thief rings, or cast Magic Caster, Psycho Pocket or Queen's Kiss)

Star Hat- (Encephilon Dive, in the church, where you defeated Tiamat.)

Swimsuit- (#1, Durandel, defeat Great Joe. Put Jr. as your main character and explore the room with the silver shop plate in the residential section. Destroy a closet and Great Joe will appear. #2 Kukai, during the invasion, in the Our Treasure Inn, go behind the counter and open the blue box. #3, Drill Game, beat Mission #4)