Cheat Codes
Enter these codes during gameplay (not while paused):
All Weapons
R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, X, A
Bomb Mode
R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, White
Fully Heals Hitman
R, L, Up, Down, A, X, Up, Down
God Mode
R, L, Up, Down, A, R, L, Black, White
R, L, Up, Down, A, L, L
Lethal Charge
R, L, Up, Down, A, Black, Black
Level Select
R, L, Up, Down, X, Y, B
Level Skip/Beat Level
R, L, Up, Down, A, X, L3, B, A, B, A
R, L, Up, Down, A, R, R
Nailgun Mode (pins people to walls)
R, L, Up, Down, A, White, White
Punch Mode
R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, Up
R, L, Up, Down, A, Up, L
M4 - Earn a Silent Assasin ranking on all of the St. Petersburg missions up to and including ''Invitation to a Party'' without any aggression. Pass ''Invitation to a Party'' last and you will recieve the M4.
Sawed off shotgun - Achieve a Silent Assassin rating twice.
Silenced Ballers - You will receive ''Silenced Ballers'' after gaining 'Silent Assassin' ranking for the first time in the game.